Cupcake with curd filling

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 254 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 60 minutes
Proteins * 6.9 gr.
Fats * 3.8 g
Carbohydrates* 57.7 g
Cupcake with curd filling

A cupcake is always a great option for homemade tea, and if it is made from the products at hand and does not waste energy on complex cooking technologies, then it can rightfully be considered an ideal dessert. According to this recipe, the cake has an airy texture, complemented by a curd filling.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 12
Put all the ingredients needed for the cake filling into the blender bowl.
step 2 out of 12
Beat the contents until smooth. The curd filling is ready.
step 3 out of 12
Let's move on to preparing the test. To do this, place the eggs in a deep bowl and beat them lightly.
step 4 out of 12
In a separate bowl, combine sieved wheat flour, vanillin, and baking powder.
step 5 out of 12
Next, you need to combine the beaten eggs and granulated sugar.
step 6 out of 12
We work with a mixer for an average of 10 minutes, until an air mass is formed.
step 7 out of 12
The next step is to combine the flour, baking powder and vanillin mixture with the egg and sugar mixture. By adding the dry mixture, you can sift it again.
step 8 out of 12
We mix all the components by hand using a silicone spatula or spoon.
step 9 out of 12
It is better to send the dough to bake in an already preheated oven. We turn it on and wait until it reaches a temperature of 180 degrees. At this time, we will prepare the form by covering it with baking paper. We place most of the finished dough into the mold. Now it's up to the curd filling. For the convenience of its distribution, you can use a pastry syringe or simply smooth the filling with a spatula.
step 10 out of 12
Pour the remaining dough onto the curd layer.
step 11 out of 12
When the oven warms up, we send the form with the dough into it and bake it for 30 minutes. Once ready, you can leave the cake to cool in the oven by opening its door.
step 12 out of 12
We take out the cooled cake, turn it over, remove the paper from it, transfer it to a dish. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut into pieces and treat yourself.

Enjoy your tea!

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