Pickled cucumbers for the winter

Each housewife has her own favorite recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter. But if you doubt your abilities, or are preparing canning for the first time, be sure to use our recipes. Juicy, crispy cucumbers are a favorite food in winter. They will look great both on a regular and on a festive table.

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Cucumbers for the winter

Each housewife has her own recipe for preparing a snack for the winter season. Cucumbers for various dishes are marinated in glass jars using nylon or iron lids. To impart aroma, pleasant taste, various spices, lemon or vinegar, garlic, herbs are added to the fruits. Some housewives pickle cucumbers using sterilization, while others do not. The main thing is to choose the right products, observe the harvesting technology for the winter.

Subtleties of preparation

Pickled cucumbers should be small, 10-15 cm long, strong, even, uniform, with pimples. Soft cucumbers are not suitable for winter salting, since they will soften during the pickling process, stay in liquid for a long time, lose their properties and will not be tasty.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the quality of the peel. If it is thin, then the vegetable will not crunch. Therefore, they buy cucumbers, which are difficult to pierce with a fingernail. Fresh fruits are pre-washed and placed in a bulk container. Pour running water on top and leave for 4-6 hours. This is a mandatory step before starting brining.

Remaining in cold water, excess air comes out of the cucumbers, they are saturated with additional moisture, thanks to which the pickled fruit turns out to be crispy. Soaking in plain water also removes the bitterness from the cucumbers. After that, they are dried with a towel, the ends are cut off from both sides.

Banks can be taken in different volumes, 1-3 liters, without chips and other defects. Before use, the container is washed, rinsed with hot water.Nylon, iron covers with or without thread are selected, depending on the technology of salting for the winter.

On a note! If a nylon lid is used for pickling, then it is not necessary to sterilize the jar. In the case of rolling up for the winter with iron lids, glass containers must be sterilized. To do this, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the entire inner surface of the container and dry it thoroughly. Iron lids are also sterilized by leaving them in hot water at 100 degrees for a few minutes.

Additional ingredients for cucumbers

In the classic recipe for making pickled cucumbers, they use: garlic, cherry leaves, dill umbrella, bay leaf, salt, granulated sugar, vinegar, allspice. To get a sweet and sour snack, citric acid and double sugar are used instead of vinegar. There are older recipes that include parsley, celery, vinegar essence.

On a note! The marinade can be enriched with caraway seeds, carnation flowers, mustard, and coriander. For greater crunchiness of cucumbers, horseradish leaves are added to the traditional set of spices. In order for the fruits to be more elastic, oak leaves are used. Thanks to mustard, tarragon, vegetables become more aromatic and more pleasant to the taste.

The nuances of pickling cucumbers for the winter season

Any preparation method begins by placing the spices on the bottom of an empty jar. Cucumbers are placed on top of the herbs. In order to place more fruits in the container, they are laid standing, pressing them tightly to each other. It is recommended to divide the seasonings into 2 parts and place them on top and bottom of the fruit.

There is a method of cold pickling cucumbers for the winter. Here, instead of the marinade, brine is prepared. Mix in boiled water, dissolve salt, granulated sugar. Spices, seasonings, fruits are placed in a prepared jar, poured with cooled brine on top, and covered with a nylon lid.

On a note! With the cold method of salting, it is better to take special polyethylene covers designed for hot. They sit tightly on the neck of the can and do not deform. Before use, such lids must be immersed in hot water for 30 seconds. Then immediately put on the jar.

When pickling cucumbers in a hot way, iron lids for rolling and threaded counterparts are used. Boiled water is poured into a glass container with vegetables, herbs and left for 10 minutes. The water is drained, and the container is filled with new boiling water and left for 20 minutes. After that, the liquid is poured into a saucepan, salt and granulated sugar are poured here, put on fire, and brought to a boil. Cucumbers are poured with hot brine, vinegar is added and the jar is immediately rolled up. It is turned over, wrapped in a warm blanket, left in this position for a day.

According to old recipes, boiled water is poured into jars filled with spices and cucumbers, leaving a little space up to the neck. The containers are covered with lids on top and placed in a large pot of hot water for sterilization. At the bottom of the pan, be sure to lay out a rag over the bottom area so that the cans do not move and do not burst. Sterilization using this technology lasts 15-20 minutes until the color of the fruits and greens changes. After that, vinegar is added, and the jars are rolled up.