Puff mushroom salad

Kitchen European
Calorie content 139.8 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 25.1 g
Fats * 6.7 g
Carbohydrates* 15.1 gr.
Puff mushroom salad

For those who love mushrooms as much as I do, I want to recommend an interesting recipe for puff salad with mushrooms. Puff salads always look especially festive.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 13
Prepare all the necessary ingredients for the flaky salad.
step 2 out of 13
Peel the champignons well and cut into small cubes.
step 3 out of 13
Heat the pan well, add a little vegetable oil, add the chopped mushrooms and fry until cooked for about 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper a few minutes before cooking, mix thoroughly. Put the finished mushrooms in a plate to cool.
step 4 out of 13
Cut the smoked chicken fillet into small cubes.
step 5 out of 13
Wash cucumbers thoroughly, dry and cut in the same way and size as smoked chicken meat.
step 6 out of 13
Cut the finished Korean carrots into smaller pieces, if necessary.
step 7 out of 13
Rinse the prunes well under running water, dry with paper towels. Cut to the same size as the rest of the ingredients with a sharp knife or kitchen scissors.
step 8 out of 13
This salad is best and more beautiful to serve in portions. Take glasses or bowls. Put fried mushrooms on the bottom, coat with mayonnaise or natural yogurt dressing.
step 9 out of 13
Place the next layer of smoked chicken meat, coat with dressing.
step 10 out of 13
Then lay out the Korean carrots and brush with a little dressing.
step 11 out of 13
Put chopped prunes on the carrot layer, coat with dressing.
step 12 out of 13
Top with sliced ​​cucumbers. Spread with dressing and repeat layers again.
step 13 out of 13
Serve the prepared salad on the table.

Bon Appetit!

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