Salad with squid, egg and Chinese cabbage

Kitchen European
Calorie content 97.5 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 30 minutes.
Proteins * 5.7 g
Fats * 7.6 gr.
Carbohydrates* 4.2 gr.
Salad with squid, egg and Chinese cabbage

Squids are useful for easily digestible protein and many valuable microelements. This product should be included in the daily menu more often. Perhaps the easiest way to serve squid is to make a salad with it. At the same time, the options can be both exquisite festive, and completely simple, requiring neither costs nor hassle. This salad just assumes the speed of preparation and has a simple composition. The products he needs can be found in every refrigerator.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 9
Defrost the squid completely, if necessary. We rinse them thoroughly in running water. Using a knife, remove the surface translucent film and pull out the central cartilaginous plate.
step 2 out of 9
In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil and lower the prepared carcasses into it. Cook for no more than two minutes to keep the squid as tender as possible. We extract the finished seafood from the broth and let it cool to a comfortable temperature.
step 3 out of 9
We cut the boiled carcasses into thin rings or strips, as you like.
step 4 out of 9
Boil the eggs hard-boiled, then fill with cold water and let cool completely. Peel and cut the eggs into small pieces.
step 5 out of 9
Peel the red onions, rinse and cut into thin translucent half rings. We recommend using the red onion as it is softer in taste and does not have a strong harshness.
step 6 out of 9
We wash the Chinese cabbage leaves, dry them on a towel and cut off the tough veins. Cut the leaves into strips.
step 7 out of 9
In a salad bowl, mix the prepared ingredients: strips of squid, pieces of eggs, half rings of onions and chopped Chinese cabbage. We open the jar of corn, and put the grains in a colander so that the excess liquid is gone. Pour the corn on top of the rest of the ingredients.
step 8 out of 9
We mix all the ingredients together.
step 9 out of 9
Season the salad with mayonnaise, season with black pepper and add salt if necessary. If the dish is not planned to be served immediately after cooking, then you should not immediately add mayonnaise. It is better to do this just before serving, so that the salad does not prematurely release liquid.

Bon Appetit!


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