Pizza dough with dry yeast and milk

Kitchen World
Calorie content 393.5 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 15 minutes.
Proteins * 11.8 g
Fats * 14.2 g
Carbohydrates* 104.2 g
Pizza dough with dry yeast and milk

Making homemade pizza dough with your own hands is a snap. You just need to have a proven recipe in stock and stock up on a good mood. We offer to knead the dough in milk using dry yeast. Pizza on this will turn out to be of medium thickness, soft, with a ruddy crust. For the filling, it is worth choosing ingredients that are not too wet to give the dough a good rise and reveal its taste.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
We heat the milk to a temperature of forty degrees. Pour it into a large bowl. Pour in dry yeast, mix. We leave the mixture in a warm place for ten to fifteen minutes for the yeast to begin the fermentation process. Outwardly, it will look like the appearance of bubbles on the surface. At this point, add salt and granulated sugar and mix thoroughly again.
step 2 out of 6
Pour olive oil into the yeast mass. Alternatively, you can use any vegetable without a pronounced aroma.
step 3 out of 6
We introduce flour in parts. We begin to knead the dough with a spoon. When the consistency of the mass becomes thick and it will be difficult to interfere with the device, we switch to manual kneading.
step 4 out of 6
We seek to obtain a medium-tight dough. We knead it for three to four minutes, until it stops sticking to the hands and walls of the dishes.
step 5 out of 6
Roll the dough into a ball, cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel or tighten with cling film and put in a warm place for forty to fifty minutes. During this time, the mass will increase in volume by one and a half to two times.
step 6 out of 6
Roll out the dough that has come up into a layer four to five millimeters thick and put the conceived filling on top. It is recommended to bake pizza on such a dough at a temperature of 190-200 degrees at the middle-lower level. Baking time is approximately twenty five minutes. The product should rise slightly, and the edges should be noticeably reddened.

Bon Appetit!

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