Curd and carrot casserole in a slow cooker

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 137.9 kcal
Portions 2 port.
Cooking time 30 minutes.
Proteins * 4.9 gr.
Fats * 2.6 gr.
Carbohydrates* 26.3 gr.
Curd and carrot casserole in a slow cooker

Steamed curd casserole with carrots and dried fruits is a great choice for a light breakfast or dinner. Delicate in consistency and very healthy, it will become your family's favorite dish. By adding nuts, candied fruits or other dried fruits to the casserole, you will surprise your loved ones with a new dish and amazing taste every time.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 4
Pour the raisins with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes to swell. Then we put it in a colander and rinse with water. In a small container, mix cottage cheese, egg, sugar and semolina, grated carrots and washed raisins. Mix all ingredients well.
step 2 out of 4
Grease the silicone molds with butter and put the dough in them. Pour 2-3 cups of water into the multicooker bowl, install the steam nozzle on top of the bowl and put the molds with the dough on it. We close the lid of the multicooker and set the "Steam Cooking" mode to 15-20
step 3 out of 4
After the beep, carefully open the lid of the multicooker and let the casserole cool for 5-10 minutes. Then take out the casserole from the molds.
step 4 out of 4
Serve the finished casserole with sour cream, jam or yogurt. Bon Appetit!

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