Sweet cherry jam with stone

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 262.6 kcal
Portions 2 port.
Cooking time 14 h.
Proteins * 1.4 gr.
Fats * 0.9 gr.
Carbohydrates* 63.1 gr.
Sweet cherry jam with stone

Cherry jam is one of the most aromatic and mouth-watering homemade sweets. Try pitted cherries. The jam will acquire a light tart taste, and for this you do not have to add nuts at all. A real treat!


Cooking process

step 1 out of 4
We clean the cherries from the stalks and rinse with water. Let the water drain completely through a colander.
step 2 out of 4
Set aside two tablespoons of sugar and mix them with pectin. Transfer the rest of the sugar to a saucepan and combine with water. Cook over medium heat until sugar is completely dissolved.
step 3 out of 4
Then we send the prepared cherries to the syrup, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes. We remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave to brew overnight.
step 4 out of 4
Re-put the jam on the fire and bring to a boil, cook for another 5 minutes. And we lay out the hot jam in sterilized jars, roll it up and turn it upside down. We leave it to cool completely and send it to the cold.

Bon Appetit!

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